Docker-compose un-usable on Mac Beta

I installed docker for mac today and also noticed that compose is very slow when connected to the internet. I ran the following tests with OSX 10.11.4 and compose 1.7.0. The compose file is the following:

version: '2'
    image: mysql:5.5
      - "3306:3306"

The first test I ran was with docker-machine 0.7.0 (with docker 1.11.1):

~/compose_test ❯❯❯ time docker-compose up -d
Creating network "composetest_default" with the default driver
Creating composetest_mysql_1
docker-compose up -d  0.23s user 0.05s system 44% cpu 0.627 total

Then with docker for mac beta10:

~/compose_test ❯❯❯ time docker-compose up -d
Creating network "composetest_default" with the default driver
Creating composetest_mysql_1
docker-compose up -d  0.49s user 0.12s system 0% cpu 1:12.34 total

Based on the info from the thread that OP mentioned above, I turned off my internet connection and tried again:

~/compose_test ❯❯❯ time docker-compose up -d                                                                                                                            ⏎
Creating network "composetest_default" with the default driver
Creating composetest_mysql_1
docker-compose up -d  0.22s user 0.05s system 36% cpu 0.766 total

Something seems to be slowing down docker for mac when there’s an internet connection.