Docker containers are not able to access the internet

Issue type

Docker containers are not able to access the internet. For example, "" is accessible from the browser on my laptop, but that same link is not accessible from a Docker container on the same laptop.

This happens regardless of whether the laptop is on a VPN or a trusted network.

Any commands in a Dockerfile that need to access the internet are failing (like npm install, apk-get, etc.).

Simple containers like hello-world do work fine.

WSL 2 is enabled on this laptop.

Running Linux Containers.

OS Version/build

Edition: Windows 10 Enterprise

Version: 21H2

OS Build: 19044.2364

App version

Docker Desktop 4.15.0 (93002)

C:\coding\docker\app>docker version

	 Cloud integration: v1.0.29
	 Version:           20.10.21
	 API version:       1.41
	 Go version:        go1.18.7
	 Git commit:        baeda1f
	 Built:             Tue Oct 25 18:08:16 2022
	 OS/Arch:           windows/amd64
	 Context:           default
	 Experimental:      true

	Server: Docker Desktop 4.15.0 (93002)
	  Version:          20.10.21
	  API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
	  Go version:       go1.18.7
	  Git commit:       3056208
	  Built:            Tue Oct 25 18:00:19 2022
	  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
	  Experimental:     false
	  Version:          1.6.10
	  GitCommit:        770bd0108c32f3fb5c73ae1264f7e503fe7b2661
	  Version:          1.1.4
	  GitCommit:        v1.1.4-0-g5fd4c4d
	  Version:          0.19.0
	  GitCommit:        de40ad0

Steps to reproduce

Execute the following command to see the issue:

	docker build -t getting-started .

The output of that command on my laptop is:

	C:\coding\docker\getting-started\app>docker build -t getting-started .
	[+] Building 15.1s (12/12) FINISHED
	 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                                                                                            0.0s
	 => => transferring dockerfile: 186B                                                                                                                                            0.0s
	 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                                                                               0.0s
	 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                                                                                 0.0s
	 => resolve image config for                                                                                                                      2.1s
	 => docker-image://                                                        1.2s
	 => => resolve                                                            0.0s
	 => => sha256:1328b32c40fca9bcf9d70d8eccb72eb873d1124d72dadce04db8badbe7b08546 9.94MB / 9.94MB                                                                                  0.8s
	 => => sha256:9ba7531bd80fb0a858632727cf7a112fbfd19b17e94c4e84ced81e24ef1a0dbc 2.00kB / 2.00kB                                                                                  0.0s
	 => => sha256:ad87fb03593d1b71f9a1cfc1406c4aafcb253b1dabebf569768d6e6166836f34 528B / 528B                                                                                      0.0s
	 => => sha256:1e8a16826fd1c80a63fa6817a9c7284c94e40cded14a9b0d0d3722356efa47bd 2.37kB / 2.37kB                                                                                  0.0s
	 => => extracting sha256:1328b32c40fca9bcf9d70d8eccb72eb873d1124d72dadce04db8badbe7b08546                                                                                       0.2s
	 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                                                                                            0.0s
	 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                                                                               0.0s
	 => [internal] load metadata for                                                                                                               1.1s
	 => [internal] load build context                                                                                                                                               0.1s
	 => => transferring context: 4.62MB                                                                                                                                             0.1s
	 => [1/4] FROM                                                         8.1s
	 => => resolve                                                         0.0s
	 => => sha256:a136ed7b0df71082cdb171f36d640ea3b392a5c70401c642326acee767b8c540 1.43kB / 1.43kB                                                                                  0.0s
	 => => sha256:b375b98d1dcd56f5783efdd80a4d6ff5a0d6f3ce7921ec99c17851db6cba2a93 1.16kB / 1.16kB                                                                                  0.0s
	 => => sha256:6d7b7852bcd3b24b35483caa22beb6d0955bbe8018a652b2e0ebc26fcdbcff3c 6.44kB / 6.44kB                                                                                  0.0s
	 => => sha256:c158987b05517b6f2c5913f3acef1f2182a32345a304fe357e3ace5fadcad715 3.37MB / 3.37MB                                                                                  0.4s
	 => => sha256:aabd449b9131436e3664a0d3d1bc0e7b7c437baed49a2b9cd46c4131ad3358c3 46.59MB / 46.59MB                                                                                6.0s
	 => => sha256:756e97429a305b467d7427f9497892c554c9104de2e5b567fabd97a9b391d5b5 2.35MB / 2.35MB                                                                                  0.3s
	 => => sha256:1ee3f64a4fc80ad4dc011a3c1f11aa6277993b521ff57d029a3af874bda042f6 453B / 453B                                                                                      0.3s
	 => => extracting sha256:c158987b05517b6f2c5913f3acef1f2182a32345a304fe357e3ace5fadcad715                                                                                       0.1s
	 => => extracting sha256:aabd449b9131436e3664a0d3d1bc0e7b7c437baed49a2b9cd46c4131ad3358c3                                                                                       1.4s
	 => => extracting sha256:756e97429a305b467d7427f9497892c554c9104de2e5b567fabd97a9b391d5b5                                                                                       0.1s
	 => => extracting sha256:1ee3f64a4fc80ad4dc011a3c1f11aa6277993b521ff57d029a3af874bda042f6                                                                                       0.0s
	 => [2/4] WORKDIR /app                                                                                                                                                          0.8s
	 => [3/4] COPY . .                                                                                                                                                              0.1s
	 => ERROR [4/4] RUN yarn install --production                                                                                                                                   1.1s
	 > [4/4] RUN yarn install --production:
	#12 0.578 yarn install v1.22.19
	#12 0.660 [1/4] Resolving packages...
	#12 0.877 [2/4] Fetching packages...
	#12 1.064 error An unexpected error occurred: " connect ECONNREFUSED".
	#12 1.065 info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "/app/yarn-error.log".
	#12 1.065 info Visit for documentation about this command.
	executor failed running [/bin/sh -c yarn install --production]: exit code: 1

NOTE:  This is the Getting Started sample application with the following Dockerfile (from

	# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
	FROM node:18-alpine
	COPY . .
	RUN yarn install --production
	CMD ["node", "src/index.js"]
	EXPOSE 3000

Correction - I mistakenly stated that “Docker containers are not able to access the internet.” It is actually the docker command itself that has the issue. I noticed that the same issue is happening with the OpenShift command line tool (oc) as well, so it seems to be not a Docker-only issue. I will post an update once I get the issue resolved.