I want to user docker on a new droplet at digital ocean. I did decide to use Ubuntu 16.04.2 (NOT the docker droplet).
We want to bring three different web sites to that droplet, which have been created from different web designers with different php versions: php5.6 and php7.1, in addition we need mysql for all web sites, including wordpress and phpmyadmin. We want to use nginx.
Is there a sample setup somewhere I can start to follow to achieve above?
That’s a LEMP (Linux, NginX [Pronounced as Engine X], MySQL, PHP) stack. I’ve previously asked it too but I didn’t seem to get a reply. But, since I’m here, please try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1j41ud2O-M
Tell me if it works on your side. I am currently having a lot of problem with mine
Your docker-compose.yml look like a Docker Machine setup instead of a normal Host Setup.
Anyway, I have managed to create a working LEMP Stack on Docker – would you like to have a copy?
Also, your docker-compose.yml seem too complicated for a Host Setup but if it works for you, go ahead and use it.