Docker continuously unable to start

Hi guys

First of all apologies but i am not overly tech savvy - i mainly use DOCKER to run a gala games node and that is it. So i have tried to run it today and upon loading it says unable to compute disk size, then continuously fails to start. I have already tried running the diagnostic - results are below. I have already uninstalled and reinstalling (several dozen times now each time restarting the laptop)

I tried manual diagnostics (the steps taken below) but for whatever reason my laptop will not load the manual diagnostic program

C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\com.docker.diagnose.exe

To run the self-diagnose tool, run:

$ check

Happy to provide any further information if you tell me the steps to do seo. Please help me sort it out. 
Windows 11 is the OS 
Diagnostic logs are as follows:

Cannot process diagnostics. Reason: Error invoking remote method 'desktop-go-backend': Error: {"message":"[2022-12-20T20:50:55.064371300Z][com.docker.diagnose.exe][I] set path configuration to OnHost\nGathering diagnostics for ID 56BA837D-9FCF-4D07-94EC-DFEE889E0A3E/20221220205054 into C:\\Users\\samue\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\56BA837D-9FCF-4D07-94EC-DFEE889E0A3E\\\nThis may take up to 15 minutes.\n[2022-12-20T20:50:55.064371300Z][com.docker.diagnose.exe][I] ipc.NewClient: e1ba8ac7-com.docker.diagnose -> \\\\.\\pipe\\dockerDnsForwarder dns-forwarder\n[main.gatherCmd({0xc0000d4040, 0x2, 0x4})\n[\tcommon/cmd/com.docker.diagnose/main.go:249 +0xa3e\n[main.main()\n[\tcommon/cmd/com.docker.diagnose/main.go:103 +0x2c5\n[2022-12-20T20:50:55.064371300Z][com.docker.diagnose.exe][I] (c7e3d805) e1ba8ac7-com.docker.diagnose C->S dns-forwarder POST /diagnostics\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:50:55Z\" level=info msg=\"Triggering Linux sysrq and log flushes via a unix socket: \\\\\\\\.\\\\pipe\\\\dockerDiagnosticd\" type=unixsock\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:50:55Z\" level=warning msg=\"/flush failed: Post \\\"http://unix/flush\\\": open \\\\\\\\.\\\\pipe\\\\dockerDiagnosticd: The system cannot find the file specified.\" type=unixsock\nunable to trigger dns-forwarder diagnostics: Post \"http://ipc/diagnostics\": open \\\\.\\pipe\\dockerDnsForwarder: The system cannot find the file specified.\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Start gathering list of 132 elements (timeout=15m0s)\" type=list\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Gathering DiagKit\" type=list\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Gathering ProxyAPIGatherer\" type=list\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Gathering BackendGatherer\" type=list\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Gathering LifecycleServerGatherer\" type=list\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Gathering DiagKit took 1.0757ms\" type=list\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Gathering system\" type=list\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Executing: [powershell -NoProfile -Command &{ $(Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem) | ConvertTo-json -Depth 1 }]\"\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Gathering BackendGatherer took 321.0616ms\" type=list\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Gathering ProcessGatherer\" type=list\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Gathering ProcessGatherer took 50.7005ms\" type=list\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Gathering typeperf \\\\Process(*)\\\\% Processor Time (timeout 0s)-sc (timeout 0s)5 (timeout 0s)-y\" type=list\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Executing: [typeperf \\\\Process(*)\\\\% Processor Time -sc 5 -y]\"\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:02Z\" level=info msg=\"Executing: [powershell -NoProfile -Command &{ $(Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem) | ConvertTo-json -Depth 1 }]\"\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:03Z\" level=info msg=\"Executing: [powershell -NoProfile -Command &{ $(Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor) | ConvertTo-json -Depth 1 }]\"\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:04Z\" level=info msg=\"Executing: [powershell -NoProfile -Command &{ $(Get-WmiObject Win32_BaseBoard) | ConvertTo-json -Depth 1 }]\"\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:05Z\" level=info msg=\"Executing: [powershell -NoProfile -Command &{ Get-Item 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows NT\\\\CurrentVersion' }]\"\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:05Z\" level=info msg=\"Executing: [powershell -NoProfile -Command &{ Get-MpComputerStatus }]\"\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:07Z\" level=info msg=\"Executing: [powershell -NoProfile -Command &{ $PSVersionTable }]\"\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:07Z\" level=info msg=\"Gathering system took 5.2185677s\" type=list\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:07Z\" level=info msg=\"Gathering tasklist /V\" type=list\ntime=\"2022-12-20T20:51:07Z\" level=info msg=\"Executing: [tasklist /V]\"\nerror during connect: This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running.: Get \"http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/containers/json\": open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified.\n2022/12/20 20:51:08 exit status 0xffffffff\n: exit status 1"}

It seems like you’re encountering issues with Docker failing to start on your Windows 11 system, displaying an error related to disk size computation. Despite your attempts to uninstall and reinstall Docker and run diagnostics, you’re facing difficulties, and manual diagnostic tools aren’t working as expected. The diagnostic logs show various errors related to file and process handling.

To address this problem, you may need to perform more detailed troubleshooting. It’s recommended to check your system’s disk space, verify Docker’s compatibility with Windows 11, and ensure that all Docker-related services are running properly. If the issue persists, you may need to seek assistance from Docker support or a more experienced technical user for further assistance.