Any news or advice since April for starting docker or docker-desktop with ubuntu 24.04 LTS?
What is the thing that prevent the start of docker-desktop. What to do now?
For all beginners like me searching over days for the issue, why docker-desktop and docker with hello-world never returns without any message, info or error:
The Install Docker Desktop on Ubuntu website Ubuntu | Docker Docs has a link to the broken(!) docker-desktop deb-packege. As goodie the package has no version in the file name. Don’t use it. Select release notes and choose another one.
Additional you have to add your user to group docker in /etc/group.
Additional you have to change the docker context (docker context ls) default context to default (docker context use default)
Worse than no help is a tutorial that points to broken things.
Update: Now the docker-desktop GUI starts but is broken as well. After license agreement, switch beween work and personal is possible, but all buttons(continue, create account, google.account,…) are without any function or progress. I didn’t expect 2 quarters after LTS release such broken implementation state.
br Ralph
Yes, that is also menitoned in the topic I linked before, but thank you for sharing it here too.
First of all you should not edit that file on Ubuntu as you can use proper commands like “usermod”, but you shouldn’t even need that either, since the docker group is required only when the Docker socket is owned by the root user on Linux and the socket is accessible only by root or the docker group. When you use Docker Desktop, the socket should be in your home, owned by you. There is a “desktop-linux” context which is mentioned in the documentation, although it doesn’t mention the exact name because it is changed automatially when you start the desktop. The default context is used for Docker CE by default.
When Docker Desktop starts, it creates a dedicated context
I’m not sure what you mean by that. You wrote “default” for both alternatives. Don’t switch back to default unless Docker Desktop was installed in a way that sets the default socket to eventually point to your Docker Desktop.
That’s odd. Do you mean that you stopped when you got the option to log in and choose between work and personal? It is reported by other users as well that it is confusing and they usually just click “skip” and click “sign in” there. IF that doesn’t work, please, open an issue on GitHub
I haven’t used Docker Desktop on Linux recently, but I don’t remember this specific issue reported until now.
My objective here is to support beginners not to get excuses.
-the docker website links to broken packages and misleading information, setup with ubuntu 24.04 is broken in multiple way and without any information or error message on CLI/ terminal
-the link in Ubuntu | Docker Docs should be fixed → who is responsible for that?
-the install routine should be fixed for put the user into group docker → who is responsible for that?
-even if the user rights are fixed, even the “hello-world” example doesn’t work(!) → context change necessary
-after days of investigating, the docker-desktop starts but doesn’t work
-there should be always a status or error of never starting processes, GUI, …
Sorry, but your comments are excuses, but not help and not changes of broken things.
Which detail of “but all buttons(continue, create account, google.account,…) are without any function or progress” needs any explanation.
Reproducible way:
Take a ubuntu 24.04 in a VB and use the docker/ docker-desktop install guide of the website → multiple broken.
As I wrote it should not be necessary. Only for Docker CE which is not Docker Desktop.
I also shared my thoughts on the contexts. Any bugs can be reported on GitHub. This is a community forum.
I’m sorry if you feel that links to report a bug are excuses I don’t need excuses as I’m not a Docker Staff member or developer. I’m here to help.
Since I don’t remember exactly what appears after installation or whether it is different on Linux in any way or you saw what was expected to see, I asked back to find out if you could skip that step and saw a login page after that since you didn’t mention any “skip” button. “All buttons” could mean all button or “all I noticed”. If we don’t know what the problem exactly, we can give any advice. You could get similar questions on GitHub. Although we can’t fixe bugs, we can help you prepare for reporting a bug.
So you installed Docker Desktop in a virtual machine. I think that details was missing. I assume nested virtualization is enabled as if it wasn’t the case, I would expect Docker Desktop to warn you before you see any login button.
We know about the “Broken link” and I already pointed out internally in a private chat that this casuses more confusion and issues on Linux as even if you can install a version, since Docker Desktop can’t update itself on Linux, you would need to go back to the same release page where you could have downloaded the latest version if the installer link pointed to that in the first place. Not to mention that you can’t install an older version first when the older version is not supported on that distribution.
So again, it is a known issue. I did what I could, but the best if you open an issue on GitHub and share your exprience. If you only write about it here, we see it, we understand you, but we can’t change anything more than you could.
You can also click on “Request changes” in the documentation’s top right corner to ask for changing the documentation to include a link t a working installer.
Regarding the login issue, it could be related to the previous issue or could be totally independent. Maybe it has something to do with the virtualization which breaks the UI too. I can’t tell.