The problem is I installed docker two days ago. It was all fine. Yesterday I tried to run docker desktop and it gave an error. It also was not showing as the docker icon but as a blank file. Hence, I tried to uninstall so I can reinstall. Now it does nothing. When I uninstall it does nothing. When I run the executable it does nothing
I removed all files relating to docker I believe. When I then try to run the executable it creates the docker folder again with the following error in the install-log.
You can send feedback, including this log file, at
[2024-11-05T21:03:10.849885600Z][ManifestAndExistingInstallationLoader][I] No install path specified, looking for default installation registry key
[2024-11-05T21:03:10.860886300Z][Installer][E] Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Error reading JObject from JsonReader. Path '', line 1, position 4615.
at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Load(JsonReader reader, JsonLoadSettings settings)
at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(String json, JsonLoadSettings settings)
at Docker.Installer.Manifest.FromJson(String json, Boolean skipPrerequisites, InstallerSettings installerSettings)
at Docker.Installer.ManifestAndExistingInstallationLoader.LoadManifestIfFileExist(String installDir)
at Docker.Installer.ManifestAndExistingInstallationLoader.Load()
at Docker.Installer.Program.Resolve(InstallerSettings settings, ILogger log)
at Docker.Installer.Program.Run(String[] args)