Docker Desktop under WSL 2, alongside VirtualBox?


I want to get Docker set up on my Windows machine, and from what I have read it is recommended to run it under WSL 2 (which I’m not using at all right now). However, I’m currently using VirtualBox to do Linux From Scratch and I’m only part way through - although once I finish LFS I probably wouldn’t have much other reason to use VirtualBox.

I understand that there are some issues running WSL 2 alongside VirtualBox, due to some kind of contention for the virtualisation capabilities of the system. I don’t want to create any additional headaches or complications for myself, or degrade the performance of either WSL or VirtualBox.

What are the options for approaching this set up? Am I even thinking about it in the right way? I’ve found various discussions online, but they’re typically a few years old and it’s not clear whether they’re still accurate.

I’m also interested in what are the various settings and features (across BIOS, Windows, VirtualBox, etc.) that I should be checking to make sure things are configured appropriately.

Kind regards,