I moved your question to a new topic since the other one was about a different issue with Docker CE, not Docker Desktop.
I will contact you in PM to figure out why.
Regarding your issue with Docker Desktop, I’m not sure why it happens, but you should not use Docker desktop as a production server. It was made for development, so the developers likely never tested it for a week. On Windows, using the WSL2 backend it also means the issue could also be caused by WSL2. I don’t know if it should work for a week or not. I only used it temporarily when I needed Linux on Windows desktop.
Well, then please, share them
I had this issue once on Windows, but that was a test release. I never found out why it happened.
If you mean you have screenshots of the output of the diagnose tool, it would be better if you could run the tool again and copy the output as text and share here using code blocks. Help is here: How to format your forum posts
Screenshots of texts are often ignored here as it is hard to read and impossible to quote parts of it. not to mention that as a new user, you could share only two pictures in a post.
We can’t do anything with the ID here as community members so if you want the developers to see it, you will need to share the issue on GitHub
I’m not sure what they would say about running Docker Desktop for a week though. For now, it is enough if you share more details here.