Docker error Pull request for Gazebo

Hello im new in this Community im Student and need Docker to include Gazebo (3D Software) to run a simulation of a car which is controlled by Matlab.

Because i am using windows our prof said we should use Docker for this application.

i am following the instructions as said but the power shell (which runs as administrator) always gives in the last step this error.
“nable to find image ‘14581:14581’ locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for 14581, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’: denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See ‘docker run --help’.”

How can i fix it-
Here ist the description for my experiment

and this is the provided ordner which in the instruction is talked about

ALso the Building for Gazebo worked

is it possible that i need for the last step a permission of my professor , so that i can pull the image or container from his docker hub ?
is that even possible ? please be aware that i am not familiar with these programms

Hopefully someone can help me

Picture of building

picture of the supported gazebo folder

These pictures like eye exeminations but here is the problem:

Your command is wrong. You used -u parameter with docker run without any value. You probably meant -v anyway but it’s not entirely your fault since in your first post on the picture in the 4. step the example is wrong too, although -u has a value there. Since you used an existing parameter without a value the next parameter (-p) became its value so docker thinks the port mapping is the image.

Note: -u is for setting the user which executes the commands inside the container, while -v is for volumes and bind mounts which is what you need.

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thank you very much for the explanation this worked for me fine now.