I need some help with docker executable behaving in a different way on two diff hosts.
When I run a docker image on one of the DOCKER_HOST, named ansi-01, all is well
The same exact thing when I run from this other DOCKER_HOST named jnks-01
As can be seen in the pictures, the docker versions are the same for both the WORKING_DOCKER_HOST and NON-WORKING_DOCKER_HOST.
So has anyone seen this odd behavior?
Checked the image id on the working DOCKER_HOST and the non-working DOCKER_HOST.
Working one:
dtr.......com/paas/sles11sp4-updated latest feac1ea1fa1d
Non-working one:
dtr.......com/paas/sles11sp4-updated latest feac1ea1fa1d
Working: uname -a
Linux ansi-01 4.4.74-92.38-default #1 SMP Tue Sep 12 19:43:46 UTC 2017 (545c055) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Non-working one
Linux jnks-01 4.4.74-92.38-default #1 SMP Tue Sep 12 19:43:46 UTC 2017 (545c055) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Some more info to add.
Thank you @Exadra37 for your time and attention.Very much appreciated
I have attached the image with illustrations so it is easier to explain.
Hope that provides the answer you are looking for to help me.
Finally the question…
Why this odd discrepancy in the behaviour of docker executable in diff DOCKER_HOSTS ?
Expected result is docker executable behaves the same across all DOCKER_HOSTS for the same docker executables.