Doubts in docker-cli and docker-desktop

Hello everyone,

I am using docker for quite a while now (for fun projects mostly). But, I think I still have not got a good grasp on it.

  • Issue type
    To make it short, Does docker-cli works differently than docker-desktop?
  1. First of all, When I am trying to print docker version in terminal by docker --version, I am getting this output
    Docker version 23.0.1, build a5ee5b1
    But, in docker desktop it is showing 25.0.3.

  2. Is it because of difference in contexts (I do not have much knowledge about docker contexts also)? As whenever I am stopping docker daemon by running systemctl stop docker.service, it is still showing many processes with docker in it in ps faux (mostly have docker-desktop written in them).

  3. I noticed one more thing that, I downloaded 1 image of nearly 10 gb using command docker run --gpus all --device /dev/dri -dit image_name, then it downloaded the image but it gave this error at last docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]].. Now, when I wrote sudo in front of that command it is saying Unable to find image 'image_name' locally and again trying to download it.

  • OS Version/build
    Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

It is my first time asking a question in a community forum, so kindly apologize and notify me, if I do something wrong or any more information is needed.

Docker stand-alone and Docker Desktop are separate things.

It seems you have an old version of Docker (docker-ce, community edition, daemon and CLI) installed.

Docker Desktop provides a GUI and runs Docker containers within a VM (with its own Docker version, it seems), so devices may not be available within the VM.