Docker for Desktop licensing

I am trying to convince my organization to use Docker for Desktop. For this, I need a copy of the license, but the license page says I have to install the software to see the license;

Installing the software at work isn’t going to happen before legal reviews the license, and my personal computer is not Windows 10 Professional. Is there a license file in GitHub I can link to?

Hi! and welcome to the community forums for Docker.

If you visit the Hub page for Docker Desktop for Windows, you’ll find links for the End User License Agreement and the Data Processing Agreement.

I hope that’s the license information you’re looking for. No software downloads or installations required.

Hi @bryceryan,

I had read the EULA, and it doesn’t mention which type of license the Docker Desktop for Windows is. Are the source code of docker-ce follows the Apache license, but the Docker Desktop for Windows is not following the Apache license? Which license does Docker Desktop for Windows is followed, the Licensed Software or the Open Source Software, or both?

Michael Tang

can i have an update on Docker Desktop licensing in commercial environment/organisation