Docker for Windows 2016 Standard Install


I have Windows 2016 Standard configured and running. Based on the docker documentation here:
Sign in to Docker Desktop | Docker Docs, I tried to install Docker for Windows. But I get the error “The versopn of Docker required Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise or Education edition with a minimum build of 10586 Please use docker Toolbox”. Please help.

You can run Docker on Windows Server 16 and Windows 10 in two different ways:
You can install a native Docker binary which allows you to develop and run Windows containers natively. However, if you install Docker this way, you cannot develop or run Linux containers. If you try to run a Linux container on the native Docker daemon, an error occurs:
no-highlight C:\Program Files\Docker\docker.exe: image operating system “linux” cannot be used on this platform. See ‘C:\Program Files\Docker\docker.exe run --help’.
You can install Docker for Windows, which allows you to develop and run Windows containers natively, or develop and run Linux containers using Hyper-V. This is the best of both worlds.

Yeah, those docs are not great.

To install on Windows Server 2016, see this guide:

Thanks a lot friism. That was very helpful

Hi @friism, @muralibala, I’ve updated the docs to point to the docker/labs topics immediately, so they should help avoid this confusion again, sorry about that.

Please take a look if you get a chance:

I also added cross-refs from Troubleshooting and FAQ’s topics. --Vicky (@londoncalling on GitHub)

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Did your issue really got solved by following the document. I followed the same process for Windows 10 and when I type “docker pull selenium/hub” or any linux based containers, I’m getting error
"latest: Pulling from selenium/hub
image operating system “linux” cannot be used on this platform"
Any suggestion would really help!


the docker for windows install only seems to work on win10 anniversary edition

Please post updated URL - 404 error

Not able to access the link.
Can we install Docker Desktop on Windows server 2016 Standard. As per the docker link, can only install on Windows 10.

Has this been sorted out. I have installed docker via powershell but also cannot build linux containers. Also on Server 2016 you cannot switch to Linux as on Windows 10 ?

What if my development environment is server 2016… Is there any update on installing docker desktop on a windows 2016 dev box?