Docker for windows: docker pull elasticsearch read: connection reset by peer


I am using docker for windows (windows 10) with Linux containers.
I am unable to pull out elastic search image. I am trying below:

It is continuously giving me following error:

7.1.0: Pulling from elasticsearch/elasticsearch-oss
8ba884070f61: Already exists
90c8f93ef11f: Pull complete
2b50c7b87a00: Pull complete
e24c84b95da5: Downloading [==================================================>]  229.7MB/229.7MB
83fffb4337ad: Download complete
f7be32dbf95a: Download complete
239f829e6b55: Download complete
read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

However, I am able to pull Kibana image successfully.

I searched for various links on net, but could not find info which solves the problem. I don’t have any proxy setup on my machine.