I am fairly new to Docker Hub. Is there an audit trail of the downloads done for a given repository? All I see is a number. If not, it would be nice to see an audit trail for, say, the last 24 hours or the latest week.
First of all, is there such an audit trail already being kept? If so, how can I access it?
Currently, there isn’t such audit trail that is available to public. Internally, we are working on a more detailed download metrics exposed to users. That might take some time before you can see it.
Hi Eric, its great to hear that your working on something, from my perspective the list of downloads (Audit) would not need to be public, just access to a logfile to start with. I am just trying to determine is the download have only come from within our team or if there are others who have downloaded it. Maybe that sort of function would be easier to get into the dev cycle.