Docker images vs docker images in a machine

I’m sure someone has asked this before, but I can’t find anything and I’m not even sure how to search for it.

I only have one docker machine listed when I run docker-machine ls

When I open a command prompt and run docker images, it gives me a bunch of images that I’ve installed.

But if I set my environment variables to point to the docker machine I created, and then run docker images, I get a complete different list of images.

Can someone explain what’s going on? I’ve clearly missed something. Is there some global repository and then machine specific ones?

I’ve apparently missed something.

The getting started pages has some good information on docker-machine. The link is to step #4 which starts machines with docker-machine. Perhaps it can help.

You’re probably talking to 2 different docker daemons. One running on your local machine and one running on the Linux VM created my docker-machine.