Hi @frenchben I have the same issue - my default images were not copied over. The output of my docker-machine inspect default is:
"ConfigVersion": 3,
"Driver": {
"IPAddress": "",
"MachineName": "default",
"SSHUser": "docker",
"SSHPort": 56478,
"SSHKeyPath": "/Users/mattreynolds/.docker/machine/machines/default/id_rsa",
"StorePath": "/Users/mattreynolds/.docker/machine",
"SwarmMaster": false,
"SwarmHost": "tcp://",
"SwarmDiscovery": "",
"VBoxManager": {},
"HostInterfaces": {},
"CPU": 4,
"Memory": 2048,
"DiskSize": 20000,
"NatNicType": "82540EM",
"Boot2DockerURL": "",
"Boot2DockerImportVM": "boot2docker-vm",
"HostDNSResolver": false,
"HostOnlyCIDR": "",
"HostOnlyNicType": "82540EM",
"HostOnlyPromiscMode": "deny",
"NoShare": false,
"DNSProxy": false,
"NoVTXCheck": false
"DriverName": "virtualbox",
"HostOptions": {
"Driver": "",
"Memory": 0,
"Disk": 0,
"EngineOptions": {
"ArbitraryFlags": [],
"Dns": null,
"GraphDir": "",
"Env": [],
"Ipv6": false,
"InsecureRegistry": [],
"Labels": [],
"LogLevel": "",
"StorageDriver": "",
"SelinuxEnabled": false,
"TlsVerify": true,
"RegistryMirror": [],
"InstallURL": "https://get.docker.com"
"SwarmOptions": {
"IsSwarm": false,
"Address": "",
"Discovery": "",
"Master": false,
"Host": "tcp://",
"Image": "swarm:latest",
"Strategy": "spread",
"Heartbeat": 0,
"Overcommit": 0,
"ArbitraryFlags": [],
"Env": null,
"IsExperimental": false
"AuthOptions": {
"CertDir": "/Users/mattreynolds/.docker/machine/certs",
"CaCertPath": "/Users/mattreynolds/.docker/machine/certs/ca.pem",
"CaPrivateKeyPath": "/Users/mattreynolds/.docker/machine/certs/ca-key.pem",
"CaCertRemotePath": "",
"ServerCertPath": "/Users/mattreynolds/.docker/machine/machines/default/server.pem",
"ServerKeyPath": "/Users/mattreynolds/.docker/machine/machines/default/server-key.pem",
"ClientKeyPath": "/Users/mattreynolds/.docker/machine/certs/key.pem",
"ServerCertRemotePath": "",
"ServerKeyRemotePath": "",
"ClientCertPath": "/Users/mattreynolds/.docker/machine/certs/cert.pem",
"ServerCertSANs": null,
"StorePath": "/Users/mattreynolds/.docker/machine"
"Name": "default"
If I stop docker for mac, docker-machine start default
and then docker-machine ssh default
I can still see all my old images and stopped containers. I had a significantly larger number of images (~116). The migration process failed the first time as it ran out of disk space (so it was copying something somewhere!) but I cleaned up and it ran again without it reporting any issue.