Hi team
We created a Docker-machine using “–driver amazonec2” then we activated the machine with, eval “$(docker-machine env dev)” and we ware able to run “docker run -it -p 8080:8080 jboss/wildfly:8.1.0.Final” in our new ES2 Docker-machine successfully.
to test if Wildfly is running we connect to aws:Public IP:8080 , e.g and we were no able to see the wildfly home page
This doesn’t look like the IP you should be trying to hit. Get the Public IP (Elastic IP if you have) associated with your instance and try to hit on that IP. Also make sure that you open port 8080 in your security groups.
I added the below configuration to the Security Group
Type Protocol Port Range Source
And I do not have a “Elastic IP” and only have "Public IP"
Still did not work, I have Wildfly continer working but I cannot no find what I am missing to hit it on my browser