Docker MobyLinuxVm does not start in Windows Insider 14366

Expected behavior

Docker ok

Actual behavior

Failed to start VM “MobyLinuxVM”: The VM couldn’t get an IP address after 60 tries


Was working ok before the update. Breaks immediately after the first boot in this version.
Diagnostic id: 136DCCD5-13F5-4B98-B5E3-62BEA5A1A13E/2016-06-20_14-30-03

I am having the same issue on windows 10 1511.

[17:08:15.537][NamedPipeServer][Error ] Unable to execute Start: Failed to start VM “MobyLinuxVM”: The VM couldn’t get an IP address after 60 tries at System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.ThrowInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
at System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.EnterTryCatchFinallyInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
[17:08:15.593][NamedPipeClient][Error ] Unable to send Start: Failed to start VM “MobyLinuxVM”: The VM couldn’t get an IP address after 60 tries
[17:08:15.600][Notifications ][Error ] Failed to start VM “MobyLinuxVM”: The VM couldn’t get an IP address after 60 tries

I had the same error as well on Windows 10 with Docker 1.12.0-rc2-beta16. Couldn’t get an IP address after 60 tries. I had VMware Workstation installed and it looks like the two VMware network adapters were confusing it. After disabling them and rebooting, Docker worked as expected.

the same issue,
Diagnostic id is E3E03F20-4F93-4278-A46B-2669316EAE10/2016-06-23_12-26-16