I would like to set a specific IP for one of my containers running on Synology DSM 6.2.1 with Docker version 17.05.0-ce, build 9f07f0e-synology. uname -r = 3.10.105.
What is the easiest way to get an exclusive IP for a container (same subnet as host)?
no, you can’t. You created an ip-range collision, which results in messy ip-tables rules. Local LAN and bridged networks are not the “the same” network, regardless wheather you assign the same ip-range or not.
I can’t see how bridged or host network would allow to distinguish a single container from all others.
I am aware that CPU, RAM and Storage (io/bw) limitations can be enforced. As far as I know, network io/bw restrictions are not implemented in Docker.
In this scenario macvlan seems like the valid approach to try.