Docker pull is failing for as below error

I am seeing following error. please suggest

Next you should learn how to copy a text into a forum post and format it (hint: 3 backticks) - or at least how to crop an image.

Seems the image does not run on your architecture. Using Docker Desktop?

PS C:\azp-agent-in-docker> docker pull
ltsc2022: Pulling from windows/servercore

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    View a summary of image vulnerabilities and recommendations → docker scout quickview
no matching manifest for linux/amd64 in the manifest list entries

Above is the error message

I am running from VS studio

this is what I see, how could i execute from docker desktop, where is the option below?

Server core is a Windows software. You need to switch to Windows containers. The default is Linux containers. Click on the icon in the notification area and click “Switch to Windows containers”.

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