I am having trouble finding documentation that doesn’t just not mention the idea of using a self hosted registry. I don’t know why that wouldn’t be an option, especially with a dockerhub hosted/maintained registry image.
I just wanted to see if anyone has had any luck using docker scout with an on-prem registry. Or any other docker container scanning thing. My backup is to use the docker scout API paired with the docker API so I can connect the registry, iterate through images and invoke the scout CLI. Something pseudo codey like:
Docker Hub is much more than the distribution (a.k.a. registry), so just because it is stored on Docker Hub, it will not necessarily support what Docker Hub does.
Yeah, i kind of figured ;/ Anyone know of a good non-docker scout alternative? Most things out there I’ve found tend to be monoliths. An entire resources library that comes with scanning, or an entire replacement for azure devops, etc. I just want the ability to scan a registry given an endpoint address…shouldn’t be that hard