Docker scout with sonatype

Hi Team, Can We Scan images which was in sonatype nexus repo.

i tried to login using docker cli like

docker login

then i did

docker scout quickview

but, getting an message as

Log in with your Docker ID or email address to use docker scout If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one. You can log in with your password or a Personal Access Token (PAT) by running docker login. Using a limited-scope PAT grants better security and is required for organizations using SSO. Learn more at

How to achieve that any solutions is there any option to analysis images which was in sona type repo using docker scout?

@rimelek does you have any idea about it ?

It seems that you can’t use it with any registries. There are some mentioned in the documentation like

ECR and ACR are mentioned too.

yes, just want to take confirmation if there any other ways.
thanks @rimelek