I have a docker swarm cluster working with 3 managers and 3 workers. Deploying services is working correctly on the ingress network. I am trying to integrate registration of the containers with a consul server. I have tried a couple of different approaches and haven’t been able to figure out how to get this to work. I have tried using a registrator container running on the worker I am testing with configured to communicate to with a consul server (not running as a container).
When I use docker run to start a container, the container registers successfully with the consul server from the worker with registrator running.
When I use docker swarm to deploy a docker service, the container successfully starts on the worker with registrator, but does not register with consul.
When I use docker swarm to deploy without registrator it also does not register with consul
I am not sure if I am having a communication problem from the ingress network or if there is another way I should be approaching this. An inspect of the manager node seems to identify the configuration for the consul server successfully:
"SwarmOptions": {
"IsSwarm": true,
"Address": "",
"Discovery": "consul://",
"Agent": true,
"Master": true,
"Host": "tcp://",
"Image": "swarm:latest",
"Strategy": "spread",
"Heartbeat": 0,
"Overcommit": 0,
"ArbitraryFlags": [],
"ArbitraryJoinFlags": [],
"Env": null,
"IsExperimental": false
Does anyone have a successful integration with docker swarm and consul for service registration working?