Docker swarm overlay network not replicated to the worker nodes

Hello, I’m complete beginner with Docker Swarm, but I think I found a bug.
It is related to Docker Swarm overlay network.

I have 4 node cluster, in order to create swarm network I used “docker network create -d overlay” and I expect to see this network to all of the nodes in the cluster, unfortunately this is not happening.

Check this out:

root@sofx-dckr09:~# docker node list
v6zpra5ywb7lhg1qermcdok35 *   sofx-dckr09    Ready     Active         Leader           20.10.3
te0uzw23qsoqerlmolmdl8vxb     sofx-dckr024   Ready     Active                          20.10.3
9z8r9vosi3fxn6opb8pmtvtgi     sofx-dckr025   Ready     Active                          20.10.3
niudbgp8xjgxqaqf8716dudga     sofx-dckr026   Ready     Active                          20.10.3

root@sofx-dckr09:~# docker network list
NETWORK ID     NAME                              DRIVER    SCOPE
03df8ee108e6   bridge                            bridge    local
5153bdc0fd88   docker_gwbridge                   bridge    local
3dc0946bf986   host                              host      local
odw300mbm0zk   ingress                           overlay   swarm
6028b29e419b   none                              null      local
8jt43ky8qjve   portainer-agent_portainer_agent   overlay   swarm
7253a107d39d   vlan30                            macvlan   local
edf2a93dcac5   vlan310                           macvlan   local

And here is the worker node:

root@sofx-dckr024:~# docker network list
NETWORK ID     NAME                              DRIVER    SCOPE
5e59306fa02a   bridge                            bridge    local
4e674a77e63c   docker_gwbridge                   bridge    local
206e2663dcf6   host                              host      local
odw300mbm0zk   ingress                           overlay   swarm
cc9b409ae9ba   none                              null      local
8jt43ky8qjve   portainer-agent_portainer_agent   overlay   swarm
1a7e54ab0389   vlan30                            macvlan   local
c364d3bd3cb9   vlan310                           macvlan   local

I try to create new network in the master:

root@sofx-dckr09:~# docker network create --attachable --driver overlay test

root@sofx-dckr09:~# docker network list | grep test
uztxs95varyn   test                              overlay   swarm

And expect to see it in all of the Worker nodes also:

root@sofx-dckr024:~# docker network list
NETWORK ID     NAME                              DRIVER    SCOPE
5e59306fa02a   bridge                            bridge    local
4e674a77e63c   docker_gwbridge                   bridge    local
206e2663dcf6   host                              host      local
odw300mbm0zk   ingress                           overlay   swarm
cc9b409ae9ba   none                              null      local
8jt43ky8qjve   portainer-agent_portainer_agent   overlay   swarm
1a7e54ab0389   vlan30                            macvlan   local
c364d3bd3cb9   vlan310                           macvlan   local
root@sofx-dckr024:~# docker network list | grep test

What I’m missing?

Sorry that this is the first answer you receive on a question from 2021 …

I noticed the same first, but then I noticed, that even though the network seems to be not available on a worker, it “appears” as soon as you launch your first task/container (if ‘attachable’ is true) to use that network.