Docker Tutorial Part 5: Visualizer error

I’m going through the Docker tutorial on a mac (OSX 10.12.5).

Docker downloaded yesterday so I think I should have the latest stable release. I did choose the stable release anyway.
I went over part 1 through 4 all without a problem. Now I’m at:
and I changed the docker-compose.yml file as told by the tutorial. I copied it over to myvm1 as stated in the tutorial and now I should run:

docker-machine ssh myvm1 “docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml getstartedlab”

Which is giving me as output:

visualizer Additional property visualizer is not allowed
exit status 1

And that is not what I or the tutorial is expecting.

I did a copy/paste of the content of the file replacing my info on the correct location. So a typo in the docker-compose.yml file is not likely.

What could cause this eretic behaviour?

Had the same issue. I also copy pasted from the tutorial. The “visualizer” service should be intended in the file. Added a couple of spaces before the “visualizer” and tried again and it worked for me.

I’m having the same issue here. Adding extra space didn’t help.


Also got stuck in same , No one posted solution for this till now ??

If anyone found the solution please post.

I tried to pull “dockersamples/visualizer:stable”

but then i found this error “line 18: found character that cannot start any token”

for the text “visualizer:”


Edit : Found solution

There is a Tab in the file in my case its on line 19 not 18 , Tab is not allowed so check for tab in your file and replace it with space


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yml is indentation style
fixing the indent fixed the problem…

This is posted for posterity. Thanks.

copy the docker-compose.yml from another place, then it works

I had the same issue, and deleted all my .yml contents -> pasted direct from tutorial. Worked! Hope you find the issue.