We have created the Docker container with Wildfly 8 with base image of CentOS 6.7. While running container we have observed that application running on port 8080 is becoming unresponsive after every 2 hours approximately. Any help or pointers for this would be appreciated.
We have changed wildfly undertow setting - “tcp-keep-alive” and “read-commited-time” – so that we don’t see many CLOSE_WAIT connections(Hardly 10-20).
• We checked Docker and JBOSS Wildlfly
o CPU and Memory Usage is very low
o Java Heap size is also well within max limit
o Checked primary database datasources – Connection Pools also not exhausted
• We tried to telnet port 8080 on which application is running
o Able to connect to port both on host and in docker but doing GET\HTTP is not returning the response(No errors in the Wildfly logs)
• We tried to telnet port 9990 on which management console is running
o Able to connect to port both on host and in docker getting GET\HTTP response