I am having issues with docker in terms of permissions. I am currently running Docker version 19.03.1, build 74b1e89.
Everything has been working fine for a couple of months, and then I restart my computer and then docker stops working("Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?"
) after some digging around I find out the user groups on WSL(Windows subsystem for linux). The solution I used to previously get it working again was to remove the group “docker” then add it again, and add my user to the group, worked fine for a couple of weeks.
I then have restarted my system since and it has caused the same issue with permissions however using the same solution has not worked and I have also tried multiple other solutions to no avail. I have already spent a good 4 hours trying to figure out what the issue is and a solution and this is getting ridiculous as I don’t want to spend a day every time I restart my system as this is just a waste of time…
Is anybody able to help me or guide me because I have searched everywhere for a solution.