I would like to make a docker image based on a application that during its install asks you a bunch of yes or no question in regards to how you want the application installed…
how would a answer these with the dockerfile?
like the file would say
run apt-get install application
would the above example be correct? or would you need to something else?
i hope i explained myself i found it hard to put this down in text
Wouldn’t it also work with me pulling a image for say centos. make a docker centos using the image login and install the application the “old fashion” way and then create a new image based on that running one?
Yes you can do that.
To detach the tty without exiting the shell, use the escape sequence Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q. The container will continue to exist in a stopped state once exited.
Then commit your change:
docker commit docker_id docker_name_application