Entry into docker under macOS

Hi, I’m new to this forum. A couple of years ago I used docker for a short time under Ubuntu but I’m at point zero at the moment, so treat me as a novice.

I’m doing most development under macOS (have a WIndows VM running under Parallels) but at the moment my requirements are as follows:

I need a docker container running whatever. If macOS as the core OS in the docker, the better, but I wouldn’t mind running something different.

I need a web server running under it, Apache 2 possibly.

I’m also running VScode and the availability of a docker dev container recently triggered my interest.

Actually I would like to make some development environment available to a colleague. Install all required applications in the docker container and ship it ready to use to him. He’s also running macOS.

What would be a suitable approach?

There is no macOS container. You can run Linux or Windows containers. On Linux, you can use Docker CE or Docker Desktop (virtual machine and Docker CE in it). On Windows 10 and 11 you can run Docker Desktop and run Linux containers or Windows containers. On macOS and Linux, Docker Desktop supports only Linux containers. The following links should help you start.

The last link is (currently) about Docker Desktop which is Docker CE in a virtual machine whith a GUI.