Error response from deamon: pull access denied for mango, repository does not exist or may require docker login

Dear Everyone,

I’m entirely new to docker and following up with the Fiware Getting Started tutorial, on linux.

I have set up my environment. I am able to start all images running docker-compose up -d command.

I succeeded in pulling orion running docker pull fiware/orion. However, attempt to pull the mangodb failed.

Whenever I run docker pull mango:3..6 command I get the following error message:
Error response from deamon: pull access denied for mango, repository does not exist or may require docker login

Can Someone kindly help sort out the problem.

Many thanks


Hi :slight_smile:

You spelled mongo wrong.


docker pull mongo:3.6

Just verified it, and it works.

Hi terpz,

I can confirm I spelled mango correctly, However,
docker pull mango:3.6
I receive the same error message… Any idea please?

Oh, I see it works.

Thank you so much terpz

Thanks for pointing to a spelling error. Same here! Wouldn’t have noticed without this hint. :slight_smile:

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