Example-voting-app-result-app not found


I am trying this tutorial for running swarm at scale.


Everything works fine until I get to step 4:

    $ docker -H $(docker-machine ip manager):3376 run -t -d \
       -p 80:80 \
     --label=interlock.hostname=results \
     --label=interlock.domain=myenterprise.com \
     -e constraint:com.function==dbstore \
     --net="voteapp" \
     --name results-app docker/example-voting-app-result-app

Error is:
docker: Error response from daemon: Error: image docker/example-voting-app-result-app not found.

I looked on docker hub for the docker/example-voting-app-result-app, but didn’t see it. All the other containers and microservces look to be working fine. Any suggestions would be great thanks

Please build it from below project