Expected behavior
Creating a stack based on the template, which would allow me to deploy a docker container
Actual behavior
Status reason: -
Additional Information
Key | Value |
ClusterSize | 5 |
EnableCloudStorEfs | no |
EnableCloudWatchLogs | yes |
EnableEbsOptimized | no |
EnableSystemPrune | no |
EncryptEFS | false |
InstanceType | t2.micro |
KeyName | Andrei-Docker-key |
ManagerDiskSize | 20 |
ManagerDiskType | standard |
ManagerInstanceType | t2.micro |
ManagerSize | 3 |
WorkerDiskSize | 20 |
WorkerDiskType | standard |
Steps to reproduce the behavior
- Go to the page with the Docker Engine - AWS (Community)
- Click on 1st link (Docker for AWS (Stable))
- Go through the installation, don’t change anything except for the SSH key
- The event log shows the following:
|Logical ID| Status| Status reason|
|Docker|ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS|The following resource(s) failed to create: [SwarmSQS, AZInfoFunction, WorkerInstanceProfile, NodeVpcSG, ExternalLoadBalancerSG, ProxyInstanceProfile, SwarmSQSCleanup, SwarmAutoscalePolicy, SwarmWideSG, SwarmAPIPolicy, ProxyPolicies, ECRPolicy, CloudstorEBSPolicy, SwarmLogPolicy]. Rollback requested by user.|
|SwarmWideSG|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|ExternalLoadBalancerSG|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|SwarmSQS|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|SwarmSQSCleanup|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|SwarmAutoscalePolicy|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|ProxyInstanceProfile|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|WorkerInstanceProfile|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|SwarmLogPolicy|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|ProxyPolicies|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|NodeVpcSG|CREATE_FAILED|Failed to fetch resource hooks to invoke for the resource|
|SwarmAPIPolicy|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|ECRPolicy|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|CloudstorEBSPolicy|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|AZInfoFunction|CREATE_FAILED|Resource handler returned message: “The runtime parameter of python2.7 is no longer supported for creating or updating AWS Lambda functions. We recommend you use the new runtime (python3.9) while creating or updating functions. (Service: Lambda, Status Code: 400, Request ID: b87023af-4dbb-406e-9dee-499db5fdf602, Extended Request ID: null)” (RequestToken: a40a2dc5-befb-e5c5-aa46-f3a5cf330cb9, HandlerErrorCode: InvalidRequest)|
Kinda new to this. Not sure what’s causing the Python 2.7 error. Should that parameter have that value?