Failing to create AWS stack from official Stable template

Expected behavior

Creating a stack based on the template, which would allow me to deploy a docker container

Actual behavior

Status reason: -

Additional Information


Key Value
ClusterSize 5
EnableCloudStorEfs no
EnableCloudWatchLogs yes
EnableEbsOptimized no
EnableSystemPrune no
EncryptEFS false
InstanceType t2.micro
KeyName Andrei-Docker-key
ManagerDiskSize 20
ManagerDiskType standard
ManagerInstanceType t2.micro
ManagerSize 3
WorkerDiskSize 20
WorkerDiskType standard

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Go to the page with the Docker Engine - AWS (Community)
  2. Click on 1st link (Docker for AWS (Stable))
  3. Go through the installation, don’t change anything except for the SSH key
  4. The event log shows the following:

|Logical ID| Status| Status reason|
|Docker|ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS|The following resource(s) failed to create: [SwarmSQS, AZInfoFunction, WorkerInstanceProfile, NodeVpcSG, ExternalLoadBalancerSG, ProxyInstanceProfile, SwarmSQSCleanup, SwarmAutoscalePolicy, SwarmWideSG, SwarmAPIPolicy, ProxyPolicies, ECRPolicy, CloudstorEBSPolicy, SwarmLogPolicy]. Rollback requested by user.|
|SwarmWideSG|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|ExternalLoadBalancerSG|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|SwarmSQS|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|SwarmSQSCleanup|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|SwarmAutoscalePolicy|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|ProxyInstanceProfile|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|WorkerInstanceProfile|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|SwarmLogPolicy|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|ProxyPolicies|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|NodeVpcSG|CREATE_FAILED|Failed to fetch resource hooks to invoke for the resource|
|SwarmAPIPolicy|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|ECRPolicy|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|CloudstorEBSPolicy|CREATE_FAILED|Resource creation cancelled|
|AZInfoFunction|CREATE_FAILED|Resource handler returned message: “The runtime parameter of python2.7 is no longer supported for creating or updating AWS Lambda functions. We recommend you use the new runtime (python3.9) while creating or updating functions. (Service: Lambda, Status Code: 400, Request ID: b87023af-4dbb-406e-9dee-499db5fdf602, Extended Request ID: null)” (RequestToken: a40a2dc5-befb-e5c5-aa46-f3a5cf330cb9, HandlerErrorCode: InvalidRequest)|

Kinda new to this. Not sure what’s causing the Python 2.7 error. Should that parameter have that value?