Hi all! In the past i used Docker a lot on cloud, but i always wanted to have my own hardware box
I need some advise on the hardware for running docker on premise, i own small business and i want to have a box near me , so i dont plan to put it in cloud yet Following in my plan to build following hardware
Docker itself would consist only one instance a web app java application, it takes like 4 Gb (on max performance) of ram.
I have pretty good internet bandwidth.
This server would be public available ,so i definitely install a Linux with high security config. Any recommendations are appreciated.
I am surprised that someone with cloud experience would even consider a single server solution for production. Running docker in production without providing enough compute nodes that allows a scheduler (swarm, kubernetes, something else) to detect and heal node outage seems more like a homelab solution to me. Though, even my homelabs (swarm/kubernetes) have 3 manager/master nodes each.
Is this shopping list the result of messuring the actual ressource/io demands of your application(s) + overhead for the scheduler?
Dont be surprise, Docker is a flexible technology.
I did run my application on almost any famous cloud platforms and result was kind of not so much predictable in the way of monthly costs, now i run still cloud with IBM, but fear that pattern of cost would repeat.
When i have my own hardware on premises, than sure i have cost upfront for hardware and my work time, but as small business owner i can easily write those hardware cost back trough my taxes system.
The costs for energy is not issue. When my situation change i definitely put stuff back to cloud and this kind of power of docker.
I dont need Kubernetes at the moment, i have pretty small application use case