I really hope someone can help me as this is very strange, and I have left everyone on the Unraid forum bewildered.
I had a sonarr docker container which was working fine for months (if not years), but then suddenly would only run for 5 minutes without stopping.
I don’t think that the issue is actually with sonarr itself though. It seems to be the name of the container causing the issue, not what is in it.
My container was called “sonarr” when the problem first occurred. I recreated an identical copy of the container with a different name - “sonarr2” - and it ran for several hours. I then stopped the container, deleted the old “sonarr” container and renamed the new one to “sonarr”. The container stopped after ~5 minutes. I changed it to “sonarr2” again and it ran for several hours again. I repeated this name change several times with the same result - “sonarr” always stops after ~5 minutes, “sonarr2” never stopped. It ran as “sonarr2” for nearly a week (before I stopped it myself).
The “sonarr” container isn’t “broken” as it does work perfectly for the 5 minutes it actually remains running.
Does anyone have any clue what might be causing this and how I can make it stop happening?
I’d quite like my original container name back, but more importantly I don’t want this to happen again/to other containers