I am totally new to docker and trying to wrap my head around what it offers and how it can be useful. Many friends have recommended it to me but I find I am struggling. Hopefully someone here can help.
My situation is this. I am running Windows 10 and Windows Subsystem for Linux 1 (WSL1). On WSL1 I am running Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS. Normally I do all my development in VSCode by opening an instance in WSL1. Changing from WSL1 to WSL2 is not an option right now for me.
I followed this guide for setting up docker on WSL1.
My understanding is Docker can create an isolated sandbox in which I can do development. My expectation is that I somehow “create” such an environment and then I can connect to it via VSCode just like I do with WSL1. The sandbox should already have python installed along with all the packages I need for my development. Then I can start writing scripts, doing calculations, etc. If that isn’t correct, someone please let me know.
To state another way, I expect it will create something like a “mini” WSL1 but with only the stuff installed that I want to use (python in this case). Once this is created, I can hop in, use the terminal, run python files, save stuff to disk, install more packages if I want, etc.
Now as a simple first pass just to see how this works, I wanted to create a container with just python installed and nothing else. Once there I wanted to, for example. create a hello_world.py
and run it from the terminal (from within the container, if that makes sense). So I started here but with a pared down Dockerfile, as shown below.
As I understand it, this file tells docker
- to create an image used the official docker python image as the base
- in the container create a directory called
(hm, okay but where?/home/USERNAME/src
or??? I’m confused by this command) - Expose the correct port according to the guide I linked above
FROM python:3.12
I open a terminal in WSL1, navigate to where this dockerfile is stored and do docker build -t pytest .
That appears to work. But now when I try to run the container (hitting the little “Play” button in docker desktop) it immediately quits. It doesn’t start running and stay that way so that I can connect to it using VSCode, it just quits with no message as to why. I’m probably missing something obvious here.
I appreciate anyone willing to help me wrap my head around this.