I’ve just set up Portainer on top of Ubuntu on top of Proxmox coming from Unraid and struggling with connecting to any containers I create. Stupid question: how do I connect to a running container? I created a specific port and tried connecting to the bridgeIP:port and hostIP:port but neither resolve. Clearly I’m missing something basic. Any ideas?
This part requires details: vm? lxc? if lxc, privliged?
Depends on how the container is configured.
Not privileged and on top of an Ubuntu VM. That being said, I don’t see anything in the container details about it being privileged/unprivileged, but when I installed the Docker host I didn’t enable it as privileged… It’s not LXC either. I just did a docker pull in the shell of all the images I wanted and then started it up in Portainer. When I created the container I used the default container and external ports (as per the screen shot 8888:80). I do notice that if I try and open the console from within the container details it tell me me “unable to retrieve image details”.
Things I still don’t know:
- the virtualization type you used that runs the Ubuntu VM (either lxc or kvm/qemu?)
- what image the container was created from
- how the container is configured
So this leaves us in generic response and guessing territory.
You mean you published container-port to a host-port or host-ip:host-port, and tried to access the container using the host-ip:host-port? It should have worked, if the container runs a process inside the container that is actually bound to this container-port.