I am new to Docker. Crated Angular front end AspNetCore Microservices with Docker Support/Compose.
Windows10 Machine
Visual Studio 2017 15.8.1
Docker 18.06.0-ce
Docker compose 1.22.0
Docker Machine 0.15.0
LinuxKit v0.4
Docker and Visual Studio 2017 are in same machine
Default/pre-built VM name: MobyLinuxVM
The complete source code available at
Now run the images on Docker containers and try to access them. Note: use https to access urls when running
UI Image name – angularwebui , Able to access UI container URL, localhost:44306
Microservice1 Image name - aspnetcoremicroservicescustomers
Microservice2 Image name - aspnetcoremicroservicesproducts
Able to access Microservices directly running on containers. localhost:44300/api/customers and localhost:44302/api/products
APIGateway Image name - aspnetcoremicroservicesapigateway
Not reachable When I try to access Microservices via APIGateway URL. Can someone help me on this? Do I need to run this differently or am I missing anything. localhost:44304/api/customers and localhost:44304/api/products