I am currently using docker container to do Embedded Linux development (including kernel).
That container must use a regular persistent Volume (not a bind to the Host) because I need all the Linux features on the Volume (The Windows Host Volumes not being case-sensitive and fully Linux compatible cannot simply not be used)
That being said, it works fine but I have to do all the edit from within the container.
Is there a way to share the Container volume with the Windows Host ?
I tried to start a SMB server container (but it fails on Windows because of port (445) conflict)
I tried to start a NFS Server container (using this https://hub.docker.com/r/itsthenetwork/nfs-server-alpine/ and other) but they seem to be required a Linux (or Mac) host
All the search I made ended up with suggestion on using bind (but this does not work)
WSL is not working either.
Any ideas ?