How to create a private docker registry

Hi There,
I have a Network File System (NFS). I want to make it my private docker registry. I want to save all my docker images into that particular NFS. Is there any possible way to do that ?

You could mount the nfs share, and then use that as the location for the local storage driver when you run the registry server.

I mounted the nfs in server and I ran the registry image using following commands:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry -v /nfs_location:/var/lib/registry registry

After this when I am pulling the images or saving containers its still saving in local, not in nfs.

It worked. Thanks you so much for your help.

Hi scorpio786

Would this command you listed help create a private registry that we like to create like you here ?
We want to
1- remove public registry access.
2- increase the default /var/lib/registry size by removing the fault path but softlink to a different path using an already mounted Network Area Storage (NAS) path on our linux host.

Advance thanks for your response.