How to delete organization from my account


I am new to docker and while exploring I accidentally created an ORGANIZATION, how can I delete this organization.

Thanks in Advance.

I accidentally created an organization on DockerHub by the name of nihalb and now I can’t remove it. could you please help me deleting this organization?

To request deletion of an organization, please file a support case via our Help form: [edited]

Link to your Help form is dead

Thanks for pointing out the problem with my original reply.

We’ve recently changed the backend for our Success center, and the link changed a bit. I’m working with the team to support the old-style link.

In the meantime, I’ve edited my reply to use a working link,

There is an issue with ? I get a 404 since yesterday


We have heard reports of some problems over the last week with the support page on our success center which have resulted in some short-lived outages. We think we’ve resolved those problems, and when I checked a few moments ago using an incognito browser window, I was able to access that page as expected. If you continue to have problems, do please try another browser, check with your local IT folks, and try the usual troubleshooting for web page 404’s. If all of that fails, let me know and I’ll ask the team at Docker to investigate further.