How to run docker-compose.yml from VM?

I am trying to create an image from visual studio that on my VM windows 11 i need to compose all my projects for debugging purposes.

the docker desktop is on my Mac M1.

I can’t install docker desktop on VM because Mac M1 doesn’t support nested virtualization.

Is it possible to make docker-compose.yml
Use a docker service that on Mac ?

If so how do I achieve that, I’ve tried all day but no success.

Any help will be appreciated

Please, rephrase your question or try to share commands that show what your goal is. I don’t understand how the Windows VM and macOS is related and what you want to do with the compose file. You can also try to create a diagram to illustrate your environment.

You have a Mac, run a VM with Windows, which runs Docker Desktop for Windows (which uses a VM)?

If “nested virtualization” is not supported, then I would think you need to get rid of one layer or get different hardware.

I’ve answered that on Reddit, is something preventing you from transferring the file over to the Mac and just running it there?

I need this to run from Visual Studio so I can debug the .net projects

And you have VS running in the VM instead of natively? Any reason why?

Also, if you’ve a way of mounting files from VM to host, you can just mount the project over

When I run VS on Mac it’s not working very well and the VS code stopped being supported by Microsoft.

yes, I have the option to mount the project, But I think it will not work in debugging,
the main purpose of docker-compose is to run all projects that depend on each other and be able to debug.

VS Code for Mac is still supported and updated…
What problems are you having with it?

No problem,
I just want it will run like that (:

I attach the run process in visual studio (windows) to run on host ssh
but I am getting error

the ssh is working and I am able to connect from windows to mac

maybe you know what the problem can be ?