I am trying to connect two containers through a bridge.
docker network create --subnet --driver bridge br0_nw
docker network connect --ip br0_nw cont1
docker network connect --ip br0_nw cont2
However, I got this error, because I already create interface eth1 for another purpose before this step, and docker wants to add a new interface with the same name!
Error response from daemon: failed to add interface veth61751e9 to sandbox: error renaming interface "veth61751e9" to "eth1": file exists
Is there any option like interface-name
docker network connect --ip --interface-name ethx br0_nw cont1
Here is my setup, I have connected server, client, Bro containers to OVS switch using ovs-docker tool.
And I use docker bridge to connect bro and SDN controller but since bro eth1 is already in use, bridge connection fails with the above error message.