How to set interface name for a new container?

I am trying to connect two containers through a bridge.

     docker network create --subnet --driver bridge br0_nw
     docker network connect --ip br0_nw cont1
     docker network connect --ip br0_nw cont2

However, I got this error, because I already create interface eth1 for another purpose before this step, and docker wants to add a new interface with the same name!

Error response from daemon: failed to add interface veth61751e9 to sandbox: error renaming interface "veth61751e9" to "eth1": file exists

Is there any option like interface-name :

     docker network connect --ip --interface-name ethx br0_nw cont1

Here is my setup, I have connected server, client, Bro containers to OVS switch using ovs-docker tool.
And I use docker bridge to connect bro and SDN controller but since bro eth1 is already in use, bridge connection fails with the above error message.



The simplest way to connect two containers is to start them in the same docker-compose file. Then they can access each other using the name you gave them under services.


Is there a reason you want to create another bridge network?
If its because you want to connect multiple interfaces to your container, you should be able to do:
docker run -ti -p x.x.x.x:8080:8080 -p y.y.y.y:80:80 image...

I will try that, thank you!

I am trying to allow two containers ssh each other. Is there a way to do that other than bridge or docker-compose.
