Multiple Ethernet port in docker container

I have two hardware interface on my host machine. I want to use both of these interface in all containers which I will create on host machine. So what is the best way to do that?
I tried these things:-

  1. I created container with default bridge network and then created one more bridge network with “docker network create -d bridge -o parent=host_interface bridge_name”. But when I attach it to container the default container interface stops working.

  2. I tried adding through pipework (sudo ./pipework “host_interface” “container_name” dhclient) also but no success.

So please suggest me how I can do that.

If you use the default Docker setup, I’m pretty sure the ordinary -p option will allow inbound traffic from all interfaces. (And -p will bind to a specific address on a specific interface.)

The Docker networking documentation doesn’t really discuss multiple host interfaces at all, but it also doesn’t mention the -o parent option you use at all. My guess would be that private bridge networks work the same way as the default network and that -p listens on all host interfaces unless specifically restricted.

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Thank you so much David for reply.
I have two NIC eno1 (10…0.5.147) and eno2(
I want something like this
I want to map on host to in docker container_1 on host to in docker container_1
So that I have two ip in docker container and if eno2 is not connected then ip should not work.
Please help me with this.

Check your docker permissions in firewall.
And run your application on

Docker will share the same application in all your Ethernets