HTTP 503s when pulling resources (June 2024)

Hi there!

It appears the Docker Hub Registry is experiencing 503 errors. When trying to execute docker pull nginx I’m getting

Error response from daemon: Head "": received unexpected HTTP status: 503 Service Unavailable

I can reproduce this across 4 different hosts with 3 different ISP connections, and no shared Docker configuration between them. However, the Docker status page ( does not (yet?) reflect any issues. Update: Now reflected: Docker Systems Status Page

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I’m having the same issue right now. What’s happening?

Failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status from GET request to 503 Service Unavailable

It’s seems like the is down at this moment.

The status page will likely be the best source of updated info from the Docker team. At the time of this post they’ve only acknowledged the incident so we’re all left wondering the same thing until more info is published – likely on the status page.

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