I use leptop MacBook Air M1 version 15.2 why my letop can't open docker ? can you help me?

can you help me? i want open App Docker In my leptop but i can’t open App Docker I’m use Leptop mackBook Air M1 Version 15.2

No, because you haven’t shared any information at all. Make sure you search for the error message on Google and on the forum using the search icon next to your profile icon in the navigation bar. If you cannot find a topic with the solution, you can share what your problem is with error messages formatted properly in code blocks.

I do not know why, because I use a long time, I have never had a problem, just the last few days my leptop can not open Docker.

Can you tell me how to fix this? I can download this app normally, I just can not launch it

I really want to run Docker on my Leptop but I do not know how to fix it, can you tell me how to fix it?

i’m from Cambodia

What does that mean “You can’t launch it”? What do you do, what happens, what do you expect to happen, are there any error messages?

I only know you can’t start Docker Desktop. If you knew “why”, you wouldn’t have asked for help probably, so it is not what we expect from you. To be honest, when I wrote my previous post, it was very late and I was i a hurry. Strangely I didn’t notice “MacBook” in the title and in the content… I just saw you can’t open Docker.

Check this topic, please: Docker Desktop not visible - #11 by rimelek

If you had previous issues that you solved and only after that you got this one, try restarting your Mac.

If you just installed Docker Desktop, and you never had any other issues, but Docker Desktop could not start when you first installed Docker Desktop (so you never had Docker Desktop on your machine), that is probably a different issue.

Trying to get this running also CPU not compatible , which was shocking older macbook was …
The app developer has to update it to support the new M1 and macOS architecture.
I found some info on that at Docker developer website. Hope it helps.

Anyone have any luck installing docker on these macs?

Usually says CPU is not supported, i deleted the msg after I saw it and removed the software since it would not load, looking for it to hopefully be supported shortrly….kinda sad.

Why are you trying to install Docker from blogposts that refer to old or tech preview versions instead of starting with the documentation? docker.com shows the download button, but searching for “docker install” you can find this too

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