In need of an ARM64 version of ecs-searchdomain-sidecar, only amd64 available

I’m using a docker ecs context to produce a CloudFormation template on a linux/arm64 platform, and targeting a linux/arm64 deployment in aws. Running my docker compose up (using the ecs context) produces the TaskDefinition below as part of the outputted CloudFormation template. This TaskDefinition makes reference to a docker/ecs-searchdomain-sidecar:1.0 image which apparently only supports an amd64 architecture. Consequently the “_ResolvConf_InitContainer” component of the resulting deployment fails to startup on the target arm64 platform (runtime error → “exec /resolv: exec format error”). FWIW, if I remove the relevant section of the TaskDefinmition of the template everything deploys fine to aws and executes without issue on the target arm64 platform.

So it seems that I either need to somehow locate an arm64-compatible image of ecs-searchdomain-sidecar:1.0, or is there a different recommended approach for using docker compose using an ecs context to perform an arm64 deployment to aws fargate?

Docker Hub entry for ecs-searchdomain-sidecar … Docker Hub

        - Command:
            - us-west-2.compute.internal
            - buildingscience-analyzer.local
          Essential: false
          Image: docker/ecs-searchdomain-sidecar:1.0
            LogDriver: awslogs
                Ref: LogGroup
                Ref: AWS::Region
              awslogs-stream-prefix: buildingscience-analyzer
          Name: Api_ResolvConf_InitContainer
        - DependsOn:
            - Condition: SUCCESS
              ContainerName: Api_ResolvConf_InitContainer
            - Name: SERVER_PORT
              Value: "80"
          Essential: true
          Image: <my-app-image>
          LinuxParameters: {}
            LogDriver: awslogs
                Ref: LogGroup
                Ref: AWS::Region
              awslogs-stream-prefix: buildingscience-analyzer
          Name: api
            - ContainerPort: 80
              HostPort: 80
              Protocol: tcp
      Cpu: "256"
        Ref: ApiTaskExecutionRole
      Family: buildingscience-analyzer-api
      Memory: "512"
      NetworkMode: awsvpc
        - FARGATE
        CpuArchitecture: ARM64
        OperatingSystemFamily: LINUX
    Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition

I think opening the issue on Github was a good idea.

Based on the message I assume you opened it. It was 3 days ago and no reply yet, but since you mentioned fargate, I found an other issue for you in which they mention something that might help you:

Until there is a multi-arch version of ecs-searchdomain-sidecar:1.0 officially published within docker hub, ### mtelvers provided a nice workaround for this issue in my similar post in GitHub ( No ARM64 version of docker/ecs-searchdomain-sidecar which is needed for Docker ECS context · Issue #2190 · docker/compose-cli · GitHub ). This workaround worked fine for me. But hopefully docker will publish an official multi-arch version soon so we don’t need to use an overlay within our respective compose files.