Hi. Just started afresh this time installing docker as rootless using the convenience script at https://get.docker.com/rootless I’ve ran Hello World and it works.
I’m on Raspbian Bullseye (Debian 11) 64bit.
Server: Docker Engine Version: 23.0.2
OS/Arch: linux/arm64
Now wish to install docker compose. I found the page Docker . As my docker does not have compose then presumably I need the 2nd option:
[2.] If you want to embed Compose inside your own image, you can use the docker/compose-bin image to copy the Compose binary into your image:
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM my-image
COPY --from=docker/compose-bin:2.17.0 /docker-compose /usr/bin/compose
RUN compose version
Can I use this? Will this bring in a 64bit Arm version? If so, where to I put that syntax?
Many thanks for reading.