Installing with CLI not working


According to this:

This is supposed to work:

azure group create --name DockerGroup --location centralus --deployment-name docker.template --template-file

Looks like the syntax has changed so instead of azure it is az. But it still does not work:

az group create --name docker-for-azure-test-rg --location northeurope --deployment-name docker.template --template-file
az: error: unrecognized arguments: --deployment-name docker.template --template-file
usage: az [-h] [–output {json,tsv,table,jsonc}] [–verbose] [–debug]
[–query JMESPATH]
{group} …

Anybody has an working example?

Regards Peter

OK got it working. Looks like the syntax has changed a bit:

az group create -n docker-for-azure-test-rg -l northeurope
az group deployment create --resource-group docker-for-azure-test-rg --name docker.template --template-uri

How do I get the example updated? :slight_smile:

Thanks for pointing this out. You can submit a PR against