RegistryErrorResponse when creating Azure Container Instance

We have an azure yaml pipeline configured to create a container instance from a docker image, this was running fine up to 1st July (yesterday) however from 2nd July (today) the following error is thrown in the pipeline:

ERROR: (RegistryErrorResponse) An error response is received from the docker registry ''. Please retry later.
Code: RegistryErrorResponse
Message: An error response is received from the docker registry ''. Please retry later.

this is the AzureCLI@2 task used to create the container:

- task: AzureCLI@2
  name: CreateContainer
  displayName: Create container
	azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.subscription }}
	scriptType: bash
	scriptLocation: inlineScript
	inlineScript: |
	  az container create \
		--resource-group '${{ parameters.resourceGroup }}' \
		--name '${{ }}' \
		--image '' \
		--ports ${{ parameters.port }} \
		--location '${{ parameters.location }}' \
		--dns-name-label '${{ }}' \
		--command-line "mockoon-cli start --data '$(publicUrl)' --port ${{ parameters.port }}"

I’ve tried using a different tag e.g. 8.2.0, 8.1.1, same result
I’ve checked the status here and its ‘All systems operational’

I ran into the same issue with the both Terraform and the Azure portal, you just need to authenticate as Docker is rate limiting the Azure IPs. Use your Docker account to generate a token with at least public repository access and use that.

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This has been posted as a bug on the azure-cli repo `az container create` throwing `ERROR: (RegistryErrorResponse) An error response is received from the docker registry ''. Please retry later.` · Issue #29300 · Azure/azure-cli · GitHub

@theposhwolf thanks for the info, the following article backs your comment up DockerHub Rate limit with Azure Container Instance and AKS | by alaa barqawi | Jul, 2024 | Medium

This is related to Azure & Dockerhub throttling please check this article

Was anybody able to get their deploys back up and running? we are stll running into this issue even with moving away from Azure ACR, and using a paid subscription of Docker Hub. Wanting to understand what is considered a ‘pull’ in relation to the ‘pull limit’ which is suppose to be 5,000 a day.